Pour les Hommes – For the Men!

Pour les Hommes – For the Men!

Nous avons rajouté des nouveautés superbes à notre petit ‘Coin Homme’ à la Galerie! La nouvelle gamme de produits de rasage de Floris – les essentiels pour le rasage parfait – disponible en parfums N°89 et Elite – un vrai régal pour commencer la journée!

Floris Shaving soap 2

We have added some fabulous new products to our ‘Men’s Corner’ at the Galerie – the new range of Shaving products from Floris – essential for achieving the perfect shave!  Available in the ever popular N°89 and Elite fragrances.

Floris Shaving soap 7


Nouveautés – New Arrivals automne/hiver 2015

Et encore pour les Hommes – and more for the Men……….!


  1. The combination of beauty and content in your photography draws me into your world filled with the heritage of better years and beauty that yet remains.
    Thank you for a wonderful visit.

    1. Hi Alex, My apologies for the delayed reply. I’m afraid there are no Floris soaps in stock now. We do have other ranges however – Arran of Scotland do an excellent shaving soap made of natural ingredients sourced directly from the Isle of Arran itself. I will be updating the website shortly to show this and more of the new ranges for the coming year. Regards, Jane

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